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Story of God for Children

The Story of the Fall

The Story of the Fall

In paradise, Adam and Eve fall to Satan's deceit, eating from the forbidden tree, leading to their awareness, punishment, and expulsion, profoundly altering humanity's destiny.


Adam and Eve were in paradise, happy and lacking nothing. Satan came to Eve in the form of a serpent and said to her, “Yeah Eve, is it true that God told you not to eat from any of the trees in paradise?” Eve answered, “No, no, he said to eat from all the trees except for one tree. Don’t eat from it, and if you eat of it, you will die.”

So the serpent said to her, “No, you’re not going to die, but you will become like God, knowing how to distinguish between good and evil.” Then Eve looked at that tree, she liked it, and craved to eat from it, so she took one and ate and gave it to her husband and he ate too. Instantly, their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked, so they took some leaves from a tree, and covered themselves with them.

Afterwards, they heard God calling, “Adam, where are you Adam?” He said, “I heard your voice and I hid from you because I’m naked.” God said to him, “Who told you that you are naked? Did you eat from the tree I told you not to eat from?” Adam said to him, “Yes, God, Eve is the one who gave me one and I ate it.” God asked Eve, “Eve, why did you eat from the tree?” She answered, “The serpent is the one who tricked me and I ate.”

After that, God said to Eve, "From this day on you will give birth with pains. You will be drawn to your husband and he will have authority over you.” And he said to Adam, “From this day, the earth is cursed because of you, and you will labor and get your food with the sweat of your brow.” As for the serpent, God said, ”I will put enmity between you and the offspring of the woman. You will bite his heel, but he will crush your head.”

And those were the punishments of Adam, Eve, and Satan. Then God clothed Adam and Eve in animal skin and kicked them out of paradise.

What part in Satan’s deception made Adam and Eve break God’s command? What were the consequences for them in the choice they made? How did it affect their relationship with one another? With God? And earth? Adam and Eve chose tree leaves to cover their nudity. How did God show them that it wasn’t a solution and why? What do you understand from God’s promise found in the snake’s punishment?

More Videos in this Series:

The Story of Jonah

In paradise, Adam and Eve fall to Satan's deceit, eating from the forbidden tree, leading to their awareness, punishment, and expulsion, profoundly altering humanity's destiny.

The Story of David

In paradise, Adam and Eve fall to Satan's deceit, eating from the forbidden tree, leading to their awareness, punishment, and expulsion, profoundly altering humanity's destiny.

The Story of the Passover

In paradise, Adam and Eve fall to Satan's deceit, eating from the forbidden tree, leading to their awareness, punishment, and expulsion, profoundly altering humanity's destiny.

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