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Story of God for Children

The Story of Abraham and Covenant

The Story of Abraham and Covenant

God renews the covenant with Abraham, promising land and descendants more than the sand of the sea. Circumcision becomes the covenant sign. Sarah conceives Isaac, fulfilling God's promise.


Thirteen years later, when Abraham was 99 years old, God appeared to him again and said, “I will confirm the covenant that’s between me and you and your descendants after you, generation after generation. I will be your God and the God of your descendants and I will give you the land on which you live now as strangers."

God gave Abraham circumcision to become the sign of the covenant. He asked him to circumcise every male in his household, whether in his family, his servants, or even among his slaves. And this physical sign will be the tangible symbol of the eternal covenant that God made with Abraham and his descendants. Whoever does not get circumcised, will be cut off from his people because he broke the covenant.

God also said to him that he will bless Sarah and give her a son as He had already promised. Abraham laughed and said to himself, “Can a 100 year old man have a son? And Sarah conceives at 90 years old?” Then Abraham said to God, “I wish you would just bless Ishmael and allow him to live in your safety and under your protection.”

God answered him, "Your wife Sarah will give birth to a son and call him Isaac and he will be the one with whom I will make my covenant, him and his descendants. An eternal covenant. As for Ishmael, know that I have answered your prayers for him. I will bless him and I will increase his descendants and he will be a great nation. But my covenant will be with Isaac who will be born to Sarah this same time next year.

That same day, Abraham and Ishmael were circumcised and all the males in his household. In fact, Sarah became pregnant just as God said and gave Abraham a son and they called him Isaac.

According to you, why did God wait until Abraham and Sarah were not able to have children anymore to bless them with a child? God made a covenant with Abraham. According to you, why was the sign of the covenant done in the flesh?

More Videos in this Series:

The Story of Jonah

God renews the covenant with Abraham, promising land and descendants more than the sand of the sea. Circumcision becomes the covenant sign. Sarah conceives Isaac, fulfilling God's promise.

The Story of David

God renews the covenant with Abraham, promising land and descendants more than the sand of the sea. Circumcision becomes the covenant sign. Sarah conceives Isaac, fulfilling God's promise.

The Story of the Passover

God renews the covenant with Abraham, promising land and descendants more than the sand of the sea. Circumcision becomes the covenant sign. Sarah conceives Isaac, fulfilling God's promise.

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